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how you can help

  • Think critically about the world and how you affect it. Take less. Give more. And leave more alone

  • Join Unity College. Unity College is free of charge and open to all.

  • Live simply, save money, and donate it to the MOMS-approved agencies. Do NOT donate money to MOMS, but to the MOMS-approved agencies. MOMS is a giving-only agency.

  • Minimize travel and non-necessity spending.

  • Visit doctor and dentist regularly and follow instructions. With physician oversight, eat only plants or egg whites from free range hens, drink only tap water or orange juice, and take vitamin/mineral supplements as directed by physician. Run, lift, swim, row, bike, or walk fast everyday, and appreciate nature.

  • Listen to MOMS Podcast and respond by email to 

  • Read MOMS Blog and respond by email to

  • Read books published or endorsed by Alma Mater Press. And submit books in process or newly completed to Alma Mater Press for advice, criticism, review, and endorsement, all at no cost. Submit title, a summary stating clearly how your book advances MOMS goals, with an estimated or actual completion date to

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The Fund For Mothers With Young Children


10 Oxbow Lane

    Bloomfield, CT 06002


         Website design by A Dying Art Company Ltd 

 Photos by  Samuel Dix

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